User Stories

Unless stated otherwise, all features are implemented

1: Custom Task Creation

As a marketing manager I need an app that will help keep track of all of the tasks I need to complete for the week.

Elaboration: The program should be able to create and store tasks onto local storage. Its currently planned to save tasks onto a csv file.

Constraints: The program must also load all tasks saved on startup to allow the user to see all tasks.

Effort Estimation: 8 person hours

Acceptance Test: Successfully create a new, different, and multiple tasks

1.1: Activity reminders

As an elementary teacher, I would like a program that reminds me of the school event/activity preparations I have not completed throughout the week.

Elaboration: The program will deliver message reminders to the user about tasks that have not been completed.

Constraints: There must be a cooldown period between reminders to not bombard the user with too many reminders.

Effort Estimation: 5 person hours

Acceptance Test: I will get reminders at the time I specified when I created the reminder


As a busy collage student I have a hard time completing my goals and want something to help motivate me.

Elaboration: The user will receive a motivational quote based on their completion rating at the end of the week.

Constraints: Quotes should not repeat themselves until all quote have been displayed

Effort Estimation: 2 person hours

Acceptance Test: Show men different motivational quotes when I ask for them. Daily quotes as well

3: Graphical User Interface

As a personal assistant I want to look at my tasks at a glance and not have to dig through a database to see what needs to be done for the week.

Elaboration: The program will support a GUI that displays a calendar that shows all tasks/events saved.

Constraints: The interface should show at least a week to the user. Along with a clear view of the tasks name and/or discription.

Effort Estimation: 10 person hours

Acceptance Test: Have an interactive (clickable) interface that I can use.

3.1: Minimal User Interface

As a mother of 3, I need something simple I can use on the go to keep track of my daily activities with just a quick glance. Managing 3 is not as easy as you think!

Elaboration: The home UI should be very user friendly and easy to use, allows you to take a look at existing tasks, and add new ones quickly on the same screen.

Constraints: Need to design UI that can fit all functionalities in one screen.

Effort Estimation: 3.5 person hours

Acceptance Test: Have a nice simple UI that isn’t too confusing to use.